Assalamualaikum/ Good evening,
§ This questionnaire would like to know how study habits among UTM Space students.
§ Hopefully you can answer all the questions honestly to get true informations to researcher.
§ The data will be kept confidential.
§ Please return completed questionnaire to your lecturer or put it in the envelope in front of room C233.
Part I: Background
Please check (x) or fill in the blanks in the space provided to indicate your responses.
1. Gender: [ ] Male [ ] Female
2. Age: __________ years
3. Stay with:
[ ] Parents
[ ] Husband/ wife
[ ] Friends
[ ] Others ( Please state ) ________________________________
4. The latest CGPA:
[ ] 2.00 - 2.50
[ ] 2.50 – 3.00
[ ] 3.00 – 3.50
[ ] 3.50 – 4.00
5. How many times do you study alone in a week?
[ ] 0 times
[ ] 1 times
[ ] 2 times
[ ] 3 times
[ ] Others (please state) _______________
6. How many times do you study with group in a week?
[ ] 0 times
[ ] 1 times
[ ] 2 times
[ ] 3 times
[ ] Others (please state) _______________
7. What type of study behaviour do you like?
[ ] Individual study
[ ] Group study
[ ] Others (please state) ________________
Part II: Advantages of Study Behavior
Please indicate the level of agreement with each statement by ticking (√) the appropriate bracket base on the scale.
No | Item | Strongly Agree | Agree | Disagree | Strongly Disagree |
1 | I like study lonely to avoid any disturbing |
2 | Group study is better than individual study |
3 | Study with group is easy to understand and retained. |
4 | Group study can make good communication each others. |
5 | I have self confident when I’m study myself. |
6 | I can get more suggestions and opinions when study in group. |
7 | Individual study can focus in the subject and topic that I’m learning. |
Part lll : Effectiveness of study habit
22. Which study habit do you apply? And do you choose it?
38. Give your suggestions to get most effectiveness in study habit?
~~~ Thank You for your cooperation~~~
Innovative article, it looks very cool and pretty, i hope learn easily. Thanks a lot for sharing this professional article.
ReplyDeleteSample Questionnaire
thanks, my first writing report study at UTM