1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Statement of the Problem
1.3 Purposes of the Study
1.4 Objectives of the Study
1.5 Research Questions
1.6 Significance of the Study
1.7 Scope of the Study
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Students Study Behaviour
2.3 Advantages of Individual Study and Group Study
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Sample of study
3.3 Research Instruments
3.4 Procedures
3.5 Analysis of Data
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Demographic Profile
4.3 Choice of Student Study Behaviour
4.4 Advantages of Study Behaviour
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendation Based on the Findings
5.3 Recommendation for Future Research
Appendix A : Questionnaire
Appendix B : Answered Questionnaire
Appendix C : Excel Analysis
Appendix D : Work Schedule
1.1 Background of the Study
Learning styles are various approaches or ways of learning. They involve educating methods, particular to an individual, that are presumed to allow that individual to learn best. Most people prefer an identifiable method of interacting with, taking in, and processing stimuli or information. Based on this concept, the idea of individualized "learning styles" originated in the 1970s, and acquired "enormous popularity".
Each of student has their own study habits such as individual learning and group study. Some of them more like cooperative learning that can make study group with their friends and can enhance students’ social development as well as interest in the learning. Some of students like individual learning that have their personal style in learning and plan how to manage time and subject.
Independent study is a mode of instruction whereby an individual student
enrolls for a class with a regular faculty member and the time for the class is to be arranged. The subject content, objectives to be achieved, credits to be awarded, and the effort to be expended by the student are all matters to be individually decided by the instructor and student.
Advantages of individual study are the students is more concentrate to the
topic of subject, can study at available time and place, can motivate student to be high thinking and no disturbing by friends.
Advantages of group study are student can get more ideas, opinion and
suggestions, they can save their time, encourage co-operative each other and train good skills of communications.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
Usually UTM space students are have their own carrier and take
the UTM course as a part time in every weekends depends on class time table. Sometimes they have a problems to manage time to study include time to read, revision every topic, finish an assignment, quiz, preparation for presentation and others. Futhermore UTM space students are from different place and school that is difficult to study group with friends[MSOffice1] . It is a trend that UTM space students like individual study because they are have a class every saturday and sunday, so that they don’t have enough time to disscuss and study with their group. Alternative way is individual study because they works from monday to friday and continue study on weekend. It is have a different study behavior between fulltime students and part time students.
1.1 Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study was to discover the relationship between study behavior and achievement in academic among UTM space students in a Islamic education faculty.
1.2 Objectives of the Study
The objectives of this study are :
1. To finds out of UTM space students study behavior
2. To identify the advantages of group and individual study
1.3 Research Questions
The research questions to be answered in this study are as follows:
1. What are UTM space students study behavior?
2. What are advantages between individual study and group study?
1.4 Significance of the Study
This study benefits to the students and participating lecturer that it
will provide informations on UTM space students study behavior. It also will give informations on advantages between individual and group study behaviour. In addition, it will create more of the best way of effectiveness study behavior.
1.5 Scope of the Study
This study about study behviour that involve the participation of 50 UTM space students Education Faculty at University Technology Malaysia (UTM). The data collected via questionnaire and interview were distributed from June 10 to 30 2011 using a computer assisted by Microsoft Excel system.
2.0 Introduction
Students have their own method to study for examinations. Some students
prefer to study independently. Self study is an individual effort to learn by references, experimentation or a prescribed course. The advantages of individual study is it have privacy and independence with no fear of criticism or discrpution.
Other than that, we have own scheduled time, can refer to other sources and cost effective. However, there are several advantages in group study. Statistically, students who study with their peers earn higher marks than those who study by themselves. The atmosphere that is created by the students is helpful to their study. Moreover, students can help himself and also his peers by doing cooperative activities. Also, group study involves interactions which help to study and prevent boredom.
2.1 Individual Study VS Group Study
Individual study or group study have their own advantages. In this study
will discuss about meaning and benefit of individual study and group study or cooperative learning.
An effective individual learning plan (ILP) is at the heart of assessment, learning, support and achievement. It helps the learner to become an active, motivated partner in learning. Individual learning is a personalised,flexible route map to guide each learner’s journey, a dynamic working document, owned and used by the learner, supported by teachers, students and others , a record of learning goals and progression routes, initial and diagnostic assessment information, learning targets, progress and achievements within different contexts for learning a communication aid between the learner and others
who support the learning process in various contexts a way of making and reinforcing links and connections between topics, subject and personal, learning and thinking skills.
2.3 Advantages of Individual and Group Study
Harry (2001) Individual study have many advantages such as can have privacy and independence without any criticism or disturbing. When study in their own, there is nobody can give negative criticism, comment or disturb from member group such as too much chat that is not relevant to the topic and subject of study.
Advantage of individual study have own scheduled time without include time of
everyone. It is more comfortable and easy to study anywhere and anytime that we want to study or make revision. Time study developed in the direction of establishing standard times, while motion study evolved into a technique for improving study methods. The two techniques became integrated and refined into a widely accepted method applicable to the improvement and upgrading of study systems (Frederick, 2003)
Cooperation is working together to accomplish shared goals. Cooperative learning is the instructional use of small groups to let students work together to maximize their learning in order to achieve their goals. Cooperative learning is now one of the most promising practices in the field of education. Many research show that cooperative learning results in higher achievement and greater productivity; more caring, supportive.
Cooperative learning is an important concept being dealt with in this research.
According to Johnson & Johnson (1998), Cooperative learning is grouping students
together to accomplish shared learning goals. Students work in small groups of three or
four to get the most out of their own learning and each other’s learning. They encourage
and support each other to learn and are responsible for their own as well as their
teammates’ learning.
Lilian (2008) also said that group learning is a student centered approach that believes that active learning is more effective than passive one where the teacher becomes a facilitator rather than an instructor. Through group learning, students have to exchange ideas, make plans and propose solutions to accomplish a collaborative goal. Therefore, it can enhance students social and personal developments.
Study groups often help an individual stay motivated and focused on the topic that he or she needs to study even if that topic is difficult or uninteresting. This is because study groups allow the individual to interact and discuss the topic that he or she is studying with other people instead of just reading the material in a textbook. ( Sharifah, 2001 )
Patrick Laughlin (2006) A new study has found that groups of three to five people perform better than individuals when solving complex problems. The study, published in the April issue of the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, suggests that groups of three people are able to solve difficult problems better than even the best individuals working alone. While researcher had hypothesized that groups of two would outperform an equivalent number of individuals, the results of the study actually demonstrated that groups of two people performed at the same level as individuals working alone. Also, while groups of three, four, and five people performed significantly better than an equivalent number of “best individual” and two-person groups, these three groups did not differ from each other in terms of performance. The results of this study therefore suggest, “Three group members were necessary and sufficient for the groups to perform better than the best of an equivalent number of independent individuals.”
. As a result, both of study behavior have their own advantages to students. Individual or self study have more advantages for students want to be more focus in study. It can be extremely useful for an individual to have other people studying with him or her who can make sure that the individual stays focused on the task at hand. Secondly, study groups allow the individual to compare ideas and notes about topics that the individual understands, and more importantly, about topics that the individual may not understand.
3.1 Introduction
This section discusses the methodology of the research. The main purposes of the research is to determine what is study habit among UTM Space students. To access and evaluable the effectiveness study habit among students at campus of education faculty (Islamic study) situated in the UTM Skudai area with 30 students population was choosen. Data for the research were collected through questionnaire, and interview.
3.2 Research Instruments
This research utilized both the quantitative and qualitative research methodology. The instruments used to collect the data were questionnaire and interview. A set of questionnaire containing 16 questions divided into 3 section was developed based on a questionnaire used previously by another study (Gerber & Green, 1999). Different question types such as yes-no, listing, category, open-ended and scales were used in questionnaire. The different sections of the questionnaire were: demographic information, example and way of study habit and comment. The questionnaire was piloted to a group of 21 students to assess its validity before it was distributed.
The qualitative data for the research come from interview. The interview was utilised to confirm the findings from the questionnaire. Ten questions were prepared after consultation with the several topic area. The interviews further explored the advantages each of types study habit among students.
3.3 Respondents of the Study
The respondents of the study were second and third year undergraduates from same courses at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM). In June 2011, a total of 20 questionnaire were distributed to students in education faculty of the university. All of total the students from Islamic Study at UTM returned the questionnaires. From this questionnaires that returned 11 were male students while the rest 9 were female. Seven students were selected to provide in depths information about the topic through interview sessions.
3.4 Research Procedure
Before the actual data collection period, a pilot study was conducted to assass the validity of the research instrument. A total of 12 students were involved in the pilot study chosen at random at various places of the university.
During the actual study, the questionnaires distributed at various location on campus UTM, such as the entrance to th main library, in classes and several cafeterias. Respondents were approached with an initial question before the questionnaire was given to them. Seven students were selected from those who completed and returned the questionnaire to atteng the interview sessions. Appointments were set for the interview at a later date.
3.5 Data Analysis
The data was coded and edited before being transferred to the computer for data analysis. The system used for data analysis was the Microsoft Excel. The scores
obtained from pre-test and post-test for experimental group were compared in terms of
mean scores, standard deviation, margins of improvement in academic and examination, decline and paired samples T-test in order to find out whether there is any significant the implementation of cooperative learning and individual learning style. Results were presented through in table, graph and other descriptive statistics. Interview data would provide a way to validate the data from questionnaire. The data were transcribed. The analysis of interview data used identification of categories of questions and answer from respondents.
4.1 Introduction
This section discusses the results of the research on cause of study behavior among students in higher learning institutions. The findings will be divided into important topics found from a survey received from 21 students of Technology Malaysia University.
4.2 Demographic Profile
From questionnaire researcher have data demographic profile about respondent. Respondent give information by answer the questionnaire and researcher analyze all the information and make it as a finding in this study.
Table A : Demographic Profile of Respondent
| CGPA |
| 25-29 | 30-35 | 35-39 | 40-45 | PARENTS | HUSBAND | WIFE | 2.50-2.99 | 3.00-3.49 | 3.50-4.00 |
Male | 5% | 24% | 9% | 5% | 5% | 0% | 38% | 4% | 38% | 0% |
Female | 14% | 27% | 5% | 9% | 14% | 43% | 0% | 19% | 28% | 10% |
Table A shows that demographic profile about 21 respondent related gender, age and with whom there are stays and the latest pointer of CGPA they get for the latest examination. 9 respondent are male and 11 are female that answer the questionnaire we distributed. Range age 25-29 for male is 5 percent and female 14 percent. Most of them 30 until 35 age and the rest is around last 35- 39 years old and the small percent respondent that their age 40 until 45 years old.
Majority they are stay with family as husband and wife only 5 percent of respondent stay with parents among male and 14 percent respondent among female still stay with their parents. According to this table, most of respondent get 3.00 until 3.49 CGPA from their examinations. Male respondent that have pointer from 2.50 until 2.99 is 4 percent and female respondent 19 percent. It seems possible that these result are due to that average pointer of female student in every part but male students are more in 2.50 until 3.49 CGPA. This consistent result that 10 percent female students have 3.50 until 4.00 point.
4.3 Choice of Students Study Behavior
A survey was carried out about what is students study behavior will be discuss in this part. How many times they study individually and grouping in one week. It also shown what is really study behavior they like and apply it in their study.
This chart discuss about frequency of study behavior in a week. It is provide that students like study in group just 1 time in a week. 14 percent students study individually for 1 time. 47 percent students study 2 time in a week and 28 percent in a group. For the third time in a week, 39 percent study individual and only 5 percent study by group. The relationship between the two way o study behavior is interesting because most of students study once time in a week by group and for more than one time of study they choose individual study habits.
Figure B shows that choice of study behavior. 48 percent students like individual study and 43 percent students choose both of this study. It is combine with individual and group study. As a result we know that UTM Space Students like individual study more than group study behavior.
However, this result of pie chart has not been previously described in other studies. Patrick Laughlin, Erin Hatch, Jonathan Silver, and Lee Boh (2006) Groups of size three, four, and five performed better than the best of an equivalent number of individuals, but groups of size two performed at the level of the best of two individuals. Groups of size three, four, and five performed better than groups of size two but did not differ from each other. These results suggest that groups of size three are necessary and sufficient to perform better than the best of an equivalent number of individuals on intellective problems. From the above discussion, it can be conclude that eventhough group study have many benefit but in this study provide that UTM Space students like individual study behavior.
4.4 Advantages of Study Behaviour
Students have their own reason for choosing their type of study behavior that respondent most like. Figure B shows the main reasons given by students for choosing study behavior and the cause why they are choose it.
FIGURE B : Cause of Study ( Behavior Individual VS Group )
Based on figure B, it is about cause of study behavior among UTM Space students. The result clearly shows that students agree with each question about cause of study behavior.
15 students admit that they like individual study behavior and almost 12 students like type of group study behavior. 9 students like study in group because it is easy to understand the topic an subject.11 students choose study group because they can have good communication with their friends. It may be that these students benefited from individual group is self confident with their ability in the subject.
Furthermore, 15 students agree that they can have more suggestions in study group. These findings of this research are consistent with those of Harold Pashler (2008) who found that we can more focus on study by individual study without any disturbing. From the above discussion, it can be conclude that most of UTM Space students like individual study behavior.
5.0 Conclusion
This research studies the type of study behavior among UTM Space students. Primary data were collected by randomly distributing questionnaires to 20 students. As mentioned earlier in the introduction, the purpose of this study was investigate students type of study behavior and the reasons why they are choose their own type of study behavior.
The following conclusions can be drawn based on the findings of the study:
1. This study has shown that individual study is that the most type of study UTM Space students like and implemented.
2. The most advantages of individual study is students can get more self confident.
The results of this study indicate that self confident and focus on study is
two factors that students get when they are study by individually. Some of difficulty along process of this research is respondent did not answer all the questionnaire and about financial problem to complete this research. However, these findings are only true for UTM Space students and cannot be generalized to other university students. The same study needs to be conducted with students from other faculty to see if there any similarities with the factors that will influence students’ choice in selecting study behavior.
5.1 Recommendation Based on the Findings
Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, here are several recommendations to be considered:
1. Students should be applying two way study behavior by group and individual according their time and suitable place.
2. Students should aggressively promote more advantages that they can get by individual and group study.
5.2 Recommendation for Future Research
Since this study had only focused on UTM Space students, it is recommended that further studies be carried out on students from other faculties, universities to see whether there are any similarities in the findings. Furthermore, further research could also explore the strategies and effectiveness of study behavior between individual and group. Lastly, although individual and group study has advantages, it might be a good idea to investigate and create new of type study behavior.
[MSOffice1]Elaborate more on the issues.
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